SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work (Israel)

By Ron Pearce

I must admit to you, I’m becoming tired of hearing bad news! I’m fully aware of the seriousness of the global situation revolving around the coronavirus outbreak — the crashing of stock markets — the current and growing death tolls in country after country — the widespread panic and fear in the hearts of many people. All of this is very real and serious.

But, a few days ago, while I was driving my car and praying for friends and this dire situation, the Lord clearly spoke to me about Empower Ministries’ role during this critical time in history and what I must do now. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me: Encourage my sheep. Show them that God is at work.”

Therefore, for the next little while, to follow the Lord’s directions, I will send short emails every few days, as well as mailed letters every few weeks for those who aren’t on our email list. These messages will highlight a variety of countries and regions where the Kingdom of God is expanding rapidly during this period of social and spiritual upheaval. As I have stated over the years — There is no panic in heaven.”

We will edit these updates and stories to make them safe for you to forward on to your friends, family members, and other contacts, so that you may encourage them as well. Please feel free to post the updates on websites and social media as you wish. Let us turn this scenario around to show that believers in Christ — Christians — are keeping their focus on eternal matters and not only on the current problems of this life.

Today’s verses of encouragement are taken from Colossians 3:1 – 4 (NASB) and I have bolded some sections:

Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.

Christians in the West are not the only ones currently under pressure. All over the world and for thousands of years, persevering believers in Christ have endured hardships only to emerge victorious in their walk with God. How do they do this? By setting their minds on the things that have eternal consequences, rather than on temporary matters that will one day pass away. Our outlook on life is already so different from those who are unbelievers. The indwelling Holy Spirit provides us with joy, peace, and hope that the world does not even come close to understanding. Why? Because Christ Jesus is our life! For a Christian, everything revolves around Him. As our world continues to fall apart, He is the One on whom we stay focused. We may experience waves of fear and discouragement because of current events. But God has given us the power to overcome these emotions by always reminding us that our eternal destiny is with Him in heaven — forever.

All over the world and for thousands of years, persevering believers in Christ have endured hardships only to emerge victorious in their walk with God.

And now for a global update from one of Empower’s national church leaders.


Current Situation:

The Good News:

Special Note:

Israel, as well as many other countries in the Western world, has always equated peace, contentment, and success with their health and wealth. It appears now that this philosophy of life is being questioned at its core. The Holy Spirit knew this revolution of thought was coming, and in 2019 led Empower to begin to saturate Israel with God’s Word — the Bible — in many languages and formats. Tens of thousands of copies continue to be distributed throughout the country to seekers, newly landed immigrants, recently converted believers, and congregations/​outreaches — FREE OF CHARGE!

Thank you, Empower family! We will not cease to provide Israelis with an ample supply of the Bible, regardless of world conditions.

<p>Containers of food</p>
To the best of their ability, this church will supply them with food, medicine, or other immediate aid, as well as explain why they are helping them (according to the Gospel) and then pray with them.

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