
“Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."
Habakkuk 3:5

SIT REPORT: Desperation

Desperation is one of the telltale signs of an authentic, “world class” turning to God. Such a turning to God happens when an overwhelming number of people come to the stark realization of their dire situation, and then cry out to God for help in a state of urgency and helplessness. Read more...

SIT REPORT: Ukrainian Jewish Refugees

This is an update on the refugee situation in Israel. Ron shares how the national church in Israel has responded to this tragic crisis. Read more...

SIT REPORT: The Victorious Year of 2021

The Word of God has been given to us for such times as these to provide believers with comfort and peace. But it is also true that the Bible has been given to us to provide “perspective” and therefore I often point believers to scriptures like these: “Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days—You would not believe if you were told” (Habakkuk 1:5 NASB). Read more...

TEACHING: The Back-Slider in Heart

This is an edited and paraphrased version of the 21st chapter from "Revival Lectures" by Charles Grandison Finney. This message is as much for the Church today as when it was first brought forth in a series of lectures in the 1830s. We earnestly pray that you'll "read it and weep!"I cannot conclude any teaching on revival without warning converts against backsliding. In discussing this subject, I will show: 1) What backsliding in heart is not, 2) What backsliding in heart is, 3) What are the evidences of a backslidden heart, 4) What are the consequences of backsliding in heart, and 5) How to recover. Read more...

TEACHING: The Father Heart of God

Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? Is it hard for you to believe He loves you as much as the Bible says He does? God is so big and He sometimes seems so distant — but what is He really like? Do you really know Him? You’ve heard His instructions, but do you know anything about His emotions or His character? Read more...

SIT REPORT: Good News! Our Anchor Will Hold

It is more important than ever for believers to know God's Word and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, not drifting away with the mindset of the world. When we are faithful in these things, we are anchored securely on that which never moves. Read more...

TEACHING: How to Overcome Sin

God can and will forgive you if you repent of your sin, plead for the blood of Christ, and ask for mercy! It is not too late to ask for mercy. Read more...

SIT REPORT: The Joy of Missions

In the midst of a world gripped by the fear of COVID-19, despondency over widespread political unrest and military coups, plus panic due to societal upheaval, I am constantly receiving reports from Empower’s national partners, describing the incredible and deep joy that encapsulates their ministries. Read more...

SIT REPORT: Sheep and Goats- Wheat and Tares

At a great distance, it is very difficult to differentiate between sheep and goats gathered in one flock. Likewise, in a field of wheat, the tares (i.e., weeds that closely resemble wheat) are almost indistinguishable from far away. On closer inspection, however, within each of these groupings, the difference is clear and distinct. This is why the parables that Jesus told on these two subjects are so important to understand in regards to both current and Last Days missions. Read more...

TEACHING: Your Day in Court

We will one day stand before God and explain our actions. We are all must give an account of our lives. God can and will forgive you if you repent of your sin, plead for the blood of Christ, and ask for mercy! It is not too late to ask for mercy. Read more...

TEACHING: Abundantly Pardoned- God's Lavish Love

There is a young couple in India. They had an encounter with the Living God that changed their lives and the lives of all of those living in their village. Read more...

SIT REPORT: An Urgently Needed Lesson

We live in the midst of an increasingly fractured society that is desperately searching for direction, stability, and love. At the same time, many believers are increasingly discouraged by current events and their subsequent consequences. In this present environment, a believers' testimony in Christ should be thriving and shining, as we exhibit a different Spirit within us compared to the world. But many times, we lose sight of this reality and inadvertently fall back into "pre-born again" thinking and acting. Read more...

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