Bundles of Love: Blessing the National Church Part One

For the last several years Empower Ministries has been offering people the chance to make a big impact for national believers worldwide. This is the first time Executive Director and Founder; Ron Pearce has explained the history behind their cherished Bundles of Love campaign. In this first episode of the two-part series, Ron and Charis break down the current gift options.

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Compassionately Caring: Preaching vs. Seeing the Gospel

This podcast delves into the dynamic between spreading the Gospel through preaching and demonstrating it through action. It explores how love manifests itself in missions and highlights Empower Ministries' unique approach to addressing the tangible physical needs of those in need. Listen now...

God's Supply Lines

We, as followers of Christ, become so engrossed in our own personal struggles that we sometimes lose perspective on Satan’s ultimate goal and his strategies. We often fail to remember that the moment we accepted Christ as Savior, we declared war on Satan’s kingdom and he declared war on us. Listen now...

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SIT REPORT: Desperation

Desperation is one of the telltale signs of an authentic, “world class” turning to God. Such a turning to God happens when an overwhelming number of people come to the stark realization of their dire situation, and then cry out to God for help in a state of urgency and helplessness. Read more...

SIT REPORT: Ukrainian Jewish Refugees

This is an update on the refugee situation in Israel. Ron shares how the national church in Israel has responded to this tragic crisis. Read more...

SIT REPORT: The Victorious Year of 2021

The Word of God has been given to us for such times as these to provide believers with comfort and peace. But it is also true that the Bible has been given to us to provide “perspective” and therefore I often point believers to scriptures like these: “Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days—You would not believe if you were told” (Habakkuk 1:5 NASB). Read more...

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