Fanatic Hindu Father

Jamal, a 17-year-old boy living in India, was dying. His parents were devout Hindus who had brought their son to dozens of priests for healing. Jamal remained very ill though, the priests’ prayers never worked. One day, Christians came to their house and offered to pray for Jamal. Desperate but skeptical, his parents allowed the Christians into their home and watched as they prayed. The next morning Jamal was better, one hundred percent perfectly healed, he knew the Christians’ God had made him whole and immediately gave his life to the Lord. Jamal’s parents, on the other hand, did not want to believe he was better. They could not stand the thought of this God healing their son. Despite his protests, they brought him to a witch doctor to perform some Hindu practices to erase whatever the Christians had done. But Jamal prayed for the witch doctor and watched as he wrestled with the demonic spirits inside of him. A spirit spoke through the man, demanding Jamal to bow before him, but the new Christian refused and said he would only ever hold the feet of Jesus. The demon tried using the Word of God to persuade him, Don’t you know the fifth commandment? It says to honour your father and your mother. Bow down before me!” But the brave young man, filled with the Holy Spirit, responded, Don’t you know the first commandment? You shall worship the Lord your God only, there shall be no other gods before Him.” Defeated, the spirits inside of the medium quieted and Jamal left the house victorious. His parents were furious and feared shame on the family for their son’s behavior. They tore off his clothes and kicked him out of their home. One year later, Jamal learned his father was in a coma. He went to the hospital and prayed for an hour before leaving. His father woke up fully healed and asked the doctor what happened. He was told a man came to pray for him. He broke down in tears when he discovered it was his son. His father didn’t hesitate in giving his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ after that.

They tore off his clothes and kicked him out of their home.

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