Miracles in an Unreached Village

There was a village in a remote forest area of India that had never heard the Gospel of Jesus. A church planter made the long and arduous trek to the unreached area to make contact with the inhabitants. A few people came to greet him, and after some conversation, they told him about a woman nearby who suffered from a mysterious and painful illness that left her body immensely swollen. She couldn’t move and hadn’t slept well in months, as each day was more miserable than the last. The villagers shared that the local priest had performed the required animal sacrifices but it had accomplished nothing and the woman continued to suffer. The church planter asked if he could return to share more about the one true God and spend time praying for the woman. The villagers eagerly agreed and a few days later he returned with two friends. The men shared the Gospel and prayed over the sick woman who immediately sat up in bed and expressed relief from her condition. After a few days, the swelling in the woman’s body subsided and she returned to her normal state. The miraculous complete healing caused several people to accept Jesus as Savior. The woman couldn’t believe what had happened as well, and she was ecstatic. The church planters started leading a weekly Bible study, and it didn’t take long for the other villagers to notice that the new Christians had stopped drinking and participating in their ancient rituals. The chief demanded they return to their tribal rituals but the believers stayed faithful to Jesus. He then threatened to kick them out of the village but they held tight to the promises of the Lord. While the chief and the village elders discussed the problem, a second woman became severely ill. The doctors diagnosed her with late-stage cancer and sent her home to die. The new Christians went to the sick woman and prayed over her for healing. Within days, she was fully restored with zero traces of cancer left inside of her. More people in the village came to know Christ because of this miracle and the chief had no choice but to allow the Christians to stay. Today there are more than 60 believers in this once unreached village. 

In 2 Corinthians 5:17, we read: Therefore if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation. The old things passed away, behold new things have come.

When the Lord touches lives, he leaves them transformed. The new believers in the village followed Jesus and everything changed. The old passed away and the new shone brightly for all to see.

He then threatened to kick them out of the village but they held tight to the promises of the Lord.

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