Moonlight Baptism

Vietnam continues to see massive growth in the church. People are coming to know Christ in remote areas that traditionally practice animism mixed with a little Buddhism. The Holy Spirit is reaching these unbelievers in record numbers as the Gospel brings light and life into the darkest corners of the globe. Due to the hard-working pastors in Vietnam, thousands are accepting Jesus as their Savior despite ongoing persecution and it is truly changing the spiritual landscape of this communist country. In one particular area in the southern Delta region, a pastor was preparing to baptize 61 new believers in his thriving church. He understood the need for caution, as those who oppose the Gospel often use violence to coerce compliance to communist, atheistic beliefs. Yet, the authorities somehow heard of the upcoming baptism and the police tracked down the pastor to warn him that if he carried through with his plans they would arrest him and all the new believers. Not only did the authorities threaten the pastor with incarceration but they also made it clear that everyone involved would be beaten and fined. Everyone knew of the risk but the threat of violence did not deter the pastor or the congregation. Word spread that the baptism was still on but everyone would need to be creative to outsmart the police. The day of the baptism arrived and the police set out to search the village but the people hid among the river grasses and they found other secretive locations to avoid detection. Miraculously the police could not find anyone and had no choice but to leave and go home. While this was all transpiring in the village, the 61 new believers and the pastor climbed into boats and headed to a secluded area along the river. A short time later under cover of darkness, each one was joyously baptized and after a short time of praise and worship they returned home.

The authorities in Vietnam are never ceasing in their attempt to frustrate the growth of the church but believers are equally determined to proclaim the Gospel and the love of Christ.

In Psalm 27:1 – 2, it says this: The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread? When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.

Believers in Vietnam have many reasons to be dismayed but they need not fear as these words confirm that the Lord will protect them and take care of all of their needs.

<p>Jungle river</p>
While this was all transpiring in the village, the 61 new believers and the pastor climbed into boats and headed to a secluded area along the river.

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