Nearly Executed For Christ

Ruth has lived through terrible times of persecution in China. As the oldest of five children, she had the burden of caring for her siblings while her mother was deathly ill. One time when she attended a house church meeting, Ruth accepted Christ and the Lord also healed her mother. Because of this miracle, she shared the Gospel with anyone that would listen so they too could experience God’s great love. Her passion landed her in a lot of trouble with the Chinese officials. She was imprisoned repeatedly, but the grace of God was always there and she never felt abandoned. Persecution has only made me stronger,” says Ruth, Once when I was taken to court, I stood up and told everyone that Jesus is the truth. They tied my hands and hung me onto a board for days before putting me in jail for three years for being anti-communist.” When Ruth was released from prison she was told to forget about Christianity, but that was something she couldn’t do. Instead, she went to work finding Bibles for the house churches. Ruth’s persecutors once again saw reason to arrest and detain her. This time, all of her activities for the church created a solid case. The government accused her of being a spy because the Bibles she obtained were from Hong Kong. Her punishment this time was execution. Even in this, the darkest moment of her life, Ruth prayed and God gave her peace. He told her she would not remain in prison despite being on death row. A Christian sister, who happened to be a lawyer, heard my case and fought for me! I was released after seven months,” said Ruth. I’ve been in prison more times than I can count, not that I am. I suffer for my God and I understand that when I go to prison it is so He can teach me. I understand His love, His plan, and His provisions.”

In 2 Corinthians 9:8, we have this promise: And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.

Ruth received the Lord’s grace every time she was in need. His provisions enable her to continue her good work for the Kingdom.

The government accused her of being a spy because the Bibles she obtained were from Hong Kong.

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