Relentlessly Beaten Remarkably Faithful
Believers in China continue to face intense persecution for their faith, but they remain incredibly steadfast for the Kingdom. Amos is no exception. He has suffered for his belief in Jesus many times over the years since becoming a Christian, facing the wrath of Chinese officials repeatedly. A few years back, when he was in his mid-forties, he met yet another test of his faith and commitment to Jesus when the officials raided his home and confiscated his belongings. After this, he was dragged away and locked up in prison. The guards tortured him relentlessly day after day trying to break his spirit and his mind. In the middle of one vicious beating, Amos collapsed to the floor, totally exhausted. It was then that the Lord reached out and comforted him. He could sense the Lord’s voice saying to him, “Forgive your enemies, for they don’t understand what they are doing.” From these words he took strength and he endured. The guards tried everything imaginable in an attempt to break him. He was stripped naked, repeatedly struck, deafened with excruciating loud noises, and had his hair pulled out. But nothing worked. At one point he cried out to God, “Oh Lord, do not abandon me, my Savior, rescue me from the lion’s mouth, form the enemy’s sword.” Amos’ body was beginning to fail him, yet he was overwhelmed with the Lord’s presence. Several times he was brought before the authorities and beaten into unconsciousness, woken and beaten again. Finally, in the strength of the Lord, he proclaimed, “I have done nothing wrong! Do not come at me again! I will not cater to you any longer!” From that moment onwards, Amos was never again touched. He was released 18 months after that, and though he claims he had moments of doubt and times of grumbling, Amos knows that God’s grace has always been sufficient and he happily walks the path laid before him.
In 1 Peter 5:10, faithful believers can hold on to this promise: After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. To Him be dominion forever and ever, Amen.
It is hard to fathom enduring so much pain, but Christians in China understand it is the price they pay. It is the way of the Cross.
He was stripped naked, repeatedly struck, deafened with excruciating loud noises, and had his hair pulled out.