6,000 Share Jesus

Ethiopia has a long history of faith that dates back to ancient Biblical times. The book of 1 Kings describes a visit from the Queen of Sheba, which is present day Ethiopia, where she visited King Solomon and left impressed by his great wisdom. In the book of Acts, an Ethiopian eunuch had a life-changing encounter with the Apostle Philip, when he described to the eunuch how Jesus had fulfilled the prophecies in the book of Isaiah. Persecution of the evangelical church has existed for decades despite the roots of Christianity in Ethiopia. An intense and abusive communist régime oppressed the church for many years. But the Lord remained faithful to his followers who continued to spread the Gospel and sacrifice for the Kingdom. Today there is a massive spiritual awakening that is spilling over into all areas of the country. In one region, populated with thousands of Muslims the Spirit of God is especially at work. In that area of Ethiopia, during a celebration of Mohammed’s birthday, a day Muslims dedicate themselves to fervent prayer, over 6000 believers shared the Gospel, successfully winning their neighbours and friends to Christ. They baptized more than 6000 new believers in that area from this very endeavor. It is always thrilling to hear stories of revival, but in Ethiopia, this revival is impacting the Muslim community as a whole. Disciples of Mohammed are turning to Christ as the fire of the Holy Spirit spreads.

In Acts 2:37 – 39, it says: Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the Apostles, Brethren what shall we do?” and Peter said, Repent and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, for the promise is for you and your children and all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.”

We see a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Ethiopia today. God is calling men, women, and children to His side where they are receiving the promise of eternal life.

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