Primitive Village Encounters the Word of God
Instantly, God healed him from the pain the doctors said they could do nothing about.
In a remote area of India, a group of primitive tribal people exists who still cling to their old practices and beliefs. They rely entirely on nature to meet all of their needs and feel intimately connected, spiritually, to the mountains, rivers, and trees surrounding them.
Pastor Aren had grown up in the city but had a heart for the small population of tribal people that lived in the mountains. He felt burdened to spend time in the village and tell everyone about the Gospel. So he made the long journey, not knowing what to expect. When Aren arrived, people told him right away about a small boy dying from a mysterious illness. He found the family and shared about Jesus, then asked if he could pray for them. They agreed and the boy was instantly healed. The family accepted Christ after seeing God’s power firsthand. They began a weekly prayer meeting that now has over 90 people attending. But Pastor Aren wanted to do more so he returned with another pastor and for three days, in front of 500 villagers, they shared about Jesus, faith, and holiness. At the end of each service, the pastors would pray for those who asked and many more were healed. A 25-year-old man came one night to hear about the God of power everyone was talking about. He suffered from terrible back pain that had left him in agony, despite being so young. He listened to Pastor Aren speak, then asked him to pray for his back. Instantly, God healed him from the pain the doctors said they could do nothing about. The young man now serves the Lord and shares his testimony with all those who will listen. Many people came to know Christ from Aren’s visit and a thriving church has been established. God used the willingness of one to change the hearts of many.
In Galatians 2:22, Paul states: I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
Pastor Aren’s faithfulness and his love for Jesus have led him far from his home right into the hearts of those who need to hear the message the most.