Spiritualists in Cuba Find Jesus

Pastor Ramone lives in the southern part of Cuba. This area has long been a stronghold of witchcraft and spiritualism. The eager, hardworking pastor wanted to do something other than his regular weekly services to reach the people in his area. He believed the Lord was calling him to spread the Gospel in a new and innovative way. Pastor Ramone lived in a city with over 12,000 children under the age of 12. He prayerfully decided he would begin a ministry for this unreached group. The children’s outreach was called Hour of Light. It was an after-school club for any interested child in the neighborhood. As the attendees gathered for their time of learning about the Gospel and having fun, Ramone made sure to connect with their parents. He soon established 26 cell groups and six house churches with over 100 believers attending many of his services. His church building was in the center of town where four streets converged. The busy location was always bustling with people, and Ramone began to pray about a single outreach event to target the adults in the community. More specifically, he wanted to preach the Good News to those practicing Santeria, the main religion in Cuba that mixes witchcraft with Catholicism. His thriving children’s program had proved an excellent way to reach some of his neighbors, but Ramone wanted a service where he could speak to the hearts of the lost, lonely, and spiritually misguided in the area. Ramone gathered his congregation to tell them about his outreach plan and everyone agreed to fast and pray for 40 days until the event. They invited their neighbors and friends and had teams of people on all four corners of the intersection leading to the church, asking anyone passing by to come inside. During the service, believers went home to pray while those inside the church sang and heard the Gospel message. That day, 64 men and women gave their lives to Christ and all of them were Santeria spiritualists. Pastor Ramone sent the excited new believers home to gather their witchcraft books. They returned with their materials and burnt it all. The church continues to thrive as the new believers’ transformed lives significantly impact the community. Those who formerly practiced Santeria are now entirely changed and live only for Jesus.

It says in Galatians 5:1: It was for freedom that Christ set us free. Therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

The new followers of Christ found freedom in His love and holiness. They surrendered not only their hearts but any connection they had to their former lives to rid themselves of the yoke of slavery they were burdened under for so long.

That day, 64 men and women gave their lives to Christ and all of them were Santeria spiritualists.

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