Attacked for a Strange Greeting

Luke tried to escape but his friends were quicker and they proceeded to take turns assaulting him.

There is still persecution for believers in Ethiopia, despite the widespread revival occurring in the country today. Different religious groups feel compelled to defend their faith, even if it means using violence to get their message across.

One day Luke, a young Muslim man who was deeply committed to his faith in Islam, saw his friends and welcomed them warmly with a phrase he had never heard of or used before. Greetings, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,” he said. The group was shocked to say the least. They sputtered at the young man and accused him of being a Christian. He assured them he was still a committed Muslim and confessed that he didn’t know how such words came out of his lips. He didn’t even know what they meant. But his friends refused to believe him. They had, after all, just heard with their own ears precisely what he’d said. They claimed he had betrayed the faith and said it was their duty to beat him for such blasphemy. Luke tried to escape but his friends were quicker and they proceeded to take turns assaulting him. Finally, he was able to get away and he ran through the city until he came to an abandoned building. Thinking it was the perfect place to hide, Luke snuck in to wait out his friend’s anger. He must have fallen asleep, as some time later he was awakened by gentle tapping on his back. An older man stood over him with a kind smile. He asked him why he was hiding and if there was something he could do to help him. Luke explained with great exasperation what had happened, including the phrase he had used to greet his friends. The man’s smile widened as he sat next to Luke. I am a Christian church planter, newly arrived in the area, and I must tell you that you have been touched by Jesus Christ, the Son of God,” he explained carefully and then he proceeded to tell him the Gospel message. Right then and there in the abandoned building, Luke accepted the Lord and committed his life to Him. He was no longer afraid to face his friends. He knew that there was a real and powerful God who cared about his future and that he could do all things with Him by his side.

In Deuteronomy 31:8, we have this incredible promise: The Lord is the One who goes ahead of you, He will be with you, He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Luke serves the Lord with the confidence of someone who understands such a promise. Now, he firmly believes that Jesus, the Son of God, will never fail him or forsake him.

They claimed he had betrayed the faith and said it was their duty to beat him for such blasphemy.

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