From Rage to Redemption

The Cairo International Book Fair is among the largest in the world. Each year the fair draws hundreds of booksellers and millions of book lovers! Recently, a young Muslim man named Paul set up a booth with Islamic materials for sale during this fair. He had strategically positioned himself next to a Christian with tracts, Bibles, and teaching materials. Many people visited both booths throughout the day, however, when a Muslim, easily identifiable by their clothing, stopped at the Christian booth, Paul would physically chase them away and shame them with strong rebukes. If they purchased something, he destroyed it immediately without compassion or remorse. Paul’s aggressive behavior continued all day, and in total, he chased off 65 individuals. At the end of the day, as he packed up, he noticed that the man at the Christian booth was staring at him. Instead of the rage and anger he expected from the man, Paul only saw compassion and sadness. Such a reaction confused him and he spent the evening deep in thought. The next day, Paul arrived early at the book fair, took a tract, and went somewhere private to read through the Gospel message. Right then, in that quiet space, the Holy Spirit took hold of him, and when he finished reading, he confessed his sins and asked Jesus to be Lord in his life. Paul found the Christian at his booth and told him what had happened. He thanked the man for not being angry and explained that his reaction the day before to his poor behavior, prompted him to learn more about Christianity.

We read in Acts 4:12 that: There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.

Paul remains a committed believer in Jesus Christ, and he shares the Gospel faithfully with all those he talks with. He remembers how he once persecuted spiritually hungry people and he shows compassion on all those who do the same to him.

He chased off 65 individuals.”

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