Struck Down But Not Destroyed

She was only in her twenties with two children, no husband, and no place to call home.

Hannah is from a small village in Upper Egypt. She has experienced her share of trauma in life and has endured much heartbreak. When her son was very young, he suffered grave injuries in a terrible fire that left him close to death. Hannah and her husband rushed him to the hospital, but to save his life they needed a large sum of money for his treatment. Hannah and her husband could barely make ends meet and they did not have the fee the hospital required. They ended up selling everything they owned, including their furniture to pay the expensive medical bills. During this devastating time, Hannah’s husband passed away. She was only in her twenties with two children, no husband, and no place to call home. The one thing she did have was anger and bitterness towards God. Two women came to visit Hannah one day and invited her to a Christian support group for widows. They told her about Jesus and His great love for her. At first, Hannah resisted their invitation of kindness. In her mind, God was terrible and heartless. Wasn’t He the one who allowed her continual suffering? The women persisted though, and eventually, Hannah came to their meetings where she met and fell in love with the Lord. She discovered that God was good and kind and desired her obedience and affection. Hannah’s life has turned around since she accepted Christ as her Savior. The women’s group gave her a sewing machine so she could work to support her family and the Lord has met her daily needs. Today she shares her testimony with other widows and tells them about the power of the Gospel and the hope that Jesus’ love inspires. 

She testifies this: The Lord turns death into life, darkness into light. When I lost my husband, I believed I was doomed. But the Lord had another plan. He became the head of my house; He was the Father of my children and my support system. Not only did the Lord give me life, but He gave me an identity. I do not feel worthless anymore. The Lord gave me dreams and helped me make them come true.”

Hannah is a changed woman. She has experienced the goodness of God and knows Him as a Father and Shepherd. Life is still challenging and though there are times of great struggle, Hannah never questions her value in the eyes of God. She knows her worth, and she is determined to tell everyone in her life that they can experience the goodness of God.

Psalm 34:8 says: Taste and see that the Lord is good. How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.

Hannah found strength in the promises of the Lord and saw firsthand how he longs to bless His children.

Hannah and her husband could barely make ends meet and they did not have the fee the hospital required.

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