God's Healing Power

Ethiopia is a definite hotspot of spiritual activity. We are seeing the Lord move in incredible ways. Entire communities are turning to Jesus with a raw hunger for God. 

Peter is just one of the thousands that have embraced the Gospel. His journey to Jesus happened when his wife became very ill over a short period of time. Peter tried to find a solution through his tribal religion but he quickly realized there was none. No one could help him and his wife continued to suffer. Then, someone heard of his problem and directed him to a local Christian. 

Ethiopia is a definite hotspot of spiritual activity. We are seeing the Lord move in incredible ways. Entire communities are turning to Jesus with a raw hunger for God. 

Peter is just one of the thousands that have embraced the Gospel. His journey to Jesus happened when his wife became very ill over a short period of time. Peter tried to find a solution through his tribal religion but he quickly realized there was none. No one could help him and his wife continued to suffer. Then, someone heard of his problem and directed him to a local Christian. The Christian prayed for his wife and she was healed, completely restored to her formal self. This upset many people in the community. They had been keeping a careful watch on Peter’s activities. When they confronted him, Peter was resolute in his choice. He said to them, I went to you first, but you could do nothing for my wife. The Christian prayed and she was healed. I saw the power of their God but I have not seen the power of our gods.”

It was a challenge the men in the village were quick to accept. They went into the community and prayed to their gods to show themselves but nothing happened. Through their embarrassment and frustration, they persecuted Peter and made his life miserable, but others in the community stepped forward to protect him. They asked Peter to pray for them and when he did the sick were healed. Lives were transformed and hearts opened to the Gospel. A church was born.

Isaiah 44:6 says: Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and His Redeemer, the Lord of hosts, I am the first and I am the last, and there is no god besides Me.

Peter believed in the one true God and the Lord used him to change an entire community.

This upset many people in the community. They had been keeping a careful watch on Peter’s activities. When they confronted him, Peter was resolute in his choice. He said to them, I went to you first, but you could do nothing for my wife. The Christian prayed and she was healed. I saw the power of their God but I have not seen the power of our gods.”

It was a challenge the men in the village were quick to accept. They went into the community and prayed to their gods to show themselves but nothing happened. Through their embarrassment and frustration, they persecuted Peter and made his life miserable, but others in the community stepped forward to protect him. They asked Peter to pray for them and when he did the sick were healed. Lives were transformed and hearts opened to the Gospel. A church was born.

Isaiah 44:6 says: Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and His Redeemer, the Lord of hosts, I am the first and I am the last, and there is no god besides Me.

Peter believed in the one true God and the Lord used him to change an entire community.

Ethiopia is a definite hotspot of spiritual activity. We are seeing the Lord move in incredible ways. Entire communities are turning to Jesus with a raw hunger for God. Peter is just one of the thousands that have embraced the Gospel. His journey to Jesus happened when his wife became very ill over a short period of time. Peter tried to find a solution through his tribal religion but he quickly realized there was none. No one could help him and his wife continued to suffer. Then, someone heard of his problem and directed him to a local Christian. The Christian prayed for his wife and she was healed, completely restored to her formal self. This upset many people in the community. They had been keeping a careful watch on Peter’s activities. When they confronted him, Peter was resolute in his choice. He said to them, I went to you first, but you could do nothing for my wife. The Christian prayed and she was healed. I saw the power of their God but I have not seen the power of our gods.” It was a challenge the men in the village were quick to accept. They went into the community and prayed to their gods to show themselves but nothing happened. Through their embarrassment and frustration, they persecuted Peter and made his life miserable, but others in the community stepped forward to protect him. They asked Peter to pray for them and when he did the sick were healed. Lives were transformed and hearts opened to the Gospel. A church was born. Isaiah 44:6 says: Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and His Redeemer, the Lord of hosts, I am the first and I am the last, and there is no god besides Me. Peter believed in the one true God and the Lord used him to change an entire community.

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