The River People

He decided to stay with the Omo tribespeople long term, becoming part of their community, while at the same time teaching and discipling those who gave their lives to Jesus.

The people that live along the Omo River in Southern Ethiopia hold fast to their ancient traditions. There are eight tribes in one area that have inhabited the region for centuries. These tribal people enjoy simple lives and have had little interaction with other groups. In fact, in the past, they had been hostile to outsiders and have reputations for being fierce and combative.

Isaiah is a dedicated church planter in Ethiopia with experience establishing churches on the border of Sudan. He followed the Holy Spirit’s leading and traveled south to bring the Gospel to the remote river people. When he first began speaking to them, they explained that they were animists, who believed all objects, animals, and places had spirits. Many of them also worshiped their ancestors. And as they listened to him speak, they decided to worship Isaiah, as well. He made sure at that point they understood that God was the creator of all things and is worthy of such adoration. He taught them about Jesus and the gift of eternal life, and many people accepted Christ. Isaiah soon found favor with the chief who helped him translate his messages so the villagers could easily understand. He decided to stay with the Omo tribespeople long term, becoming part of their community, while at the same time teaching and discipling those who gave their lives to Jesus. What is happening along the river among the Omo people is nothing short of incredible. Thousands are now coming to know the Lord and more workers are needed to help this great tide of new believers.

Galatians 6:9 reads: Let us not lose heart in doing good for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.

Isaiah followed the Lord’s call to share the Gospel. He persevered through every trial, never growing weary, and the Lord was faithful to create a harvest of eager believers.

He made sure at that point they understood that God was the creator of all things and is worthy of such adoration.

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